If you look closely, then there are more than 100 different types of yoga you can practice. Yet most of them mainly focus on breathing exercises, meditation, and poses that help to stretch & flex the muscles in our body. Practising yoga is one of the best ways in which you can lead a more active and fit lifestyle. Yoga is responsible for increased flexibility, muscle strength & tone. It also helps to improve vitality, respiration as well as energy.
If you are new to yoga, then you would want to start simple. So, take a look at the top 4 easy yoga poses that beginners can try.
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
A really simple yoga pose that you can try, Tadasana is also known as the mountain pose.
Step to do Tadasana
- Lift and spread both your toes along with the balls of your feet.
- Now, lay them down softly on the floor.
- Try to balance your body weight with the help of your feet. Slowly lift your ankles and firm your muscles around the thigh, rotating them inwards at the same time.
- When you inhale, try to elongate your torso and while you exhale, release the shoulder blades steadily from your head.
- You have to ensure that your ears, hips, shoulders, and ankles are all in one single line.
- Breathe easy when you are practising the pose.
Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
Vrikshasana helps to improve your balance and revamps the strength of your legs and back.
Steps to do Vrikshasana
- Place your right foot high on the left thigh.
- The foot sole should be flat and placed firmly over the surface.
- Now, keep the left leg straight and try to balance your body.
- When you are going to inhale, raise your arms over the head and try to bring both palms together.
- You need to keep your spine straight and take deep breaths constantly.
- Now, slowly exhales and brings your hands down while releasing your right leg.
- Once you are back in the standing form, repeat this with another leg.
Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
If you want to stretch your chest, hamstring, and spine, then this is the best position that you can try out. Practising this pose helps to revamp the blood flow to the head. It will help you feel more energetic.
Steps to do Adho Mukho Svanasana
- Just sit on your heels, try to stretch your arms, and bend your head as much you can.
- Try to create a table-like shape by pushing your hands, slowly raising the hip, and put strength on the legs.
- Now, press the heels down, let your head hang freely, and try to tighten the waist.
- Do it consistently for 10-15 mins.
Kursiasana (Chair Pose)
It is a very powerful yet simple yoga pose you can practise for its effectiveness. It helps to strengthen your muscles around the legs and arms.
Steps to do Kursiasana
- Stand straight with your feet apart. You need to stretch your arms but avoid bending the elbow.
- Now, inhale and bend the knees by pushing the pelvis down, just like you are sitting on a chair.
- Keep both the hands parallel to the ground and hold the back straight without any bend.
- Try to bend gradually without the knees touching the ground. It can be a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, but you’ll get into motion slowly.
Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)
Steps to do Badhakonasana
- You can start the pose by sitting on a flat surface.
- Keep your legs straight and place your hands on the ground.
- Now while exhaling try to bend the knees. In this position, bring your heels near the pelvic region.
- Drop the knees on the floor, and you have to touch both the soles of the feet. Clasp your hands around the toes or ankles. Maintain this pose for at least 4-5 mins.
Steps to do Bhujangasana
- To practice this pose, lie on your back and stretch both of your legs and place the top portion against the surface.
- Now, slowly yet steadily, you have to spread your hands on the floor, which are just under the shoulders.
- Hug both elbows back to your body perimeter.
- Press the top portion of the feet and thighs when placing the pubis on the floor.
- Now, lift your chest from the floor and keep doing it till you reach a height that is easy to maintain.
- Hold both the shoulders at an even position and try to maintain this pose.
- Do it for 15-30 seconds. Bhujangasana is also popularly known as the cobra pose.
Steps to do Paschimottanasana
- Sit up until your back straight and the toes pointing to the outside. Inhale steady breaths and raise both the hands over the head to stretch them.
- Now while exhaling, bring your hands down and bend forward so that you can touch your legs.
- You have to place the hands in a position from where you can hold the toes.
However, don’t force yourself to do it. Again, breathe out and keep the navel close to your knees.
Steps to do Balasana
Really easy pose for beginners, Balasana can be done by bending your knees and then sitting on the heels. Keep the hips on your heels and lower your head on the mat. Try to bring your hands forward on both sides. Press the thighs against the chest and take light breaths.
So, that is it for today. Start with these poses from today and see how they benefit you in the long run. Don’t be too fast and harsh on yourself as you are just a novice. With time you can master them!