Green Tea Health Benefit and Best Time to Drink

Green Tea Health Benefit and Best Time to Drink

Tea and coffee are the most drinkable beverages after water to enjoy first thing in the morning. Tea is a good source to increase energy in the body after stress or hectic workout. Someone used to drink black tea, masala tea, and green tea. Both black tea and green tea are made from the leaves. Both tea have their own benefits but green tea is more beneficial.

Green tea contains less caffeine than black tea. Green tea is rich in the powerful antioxidant EGCG and which helps in many diseases. Green tea is available in the market in many forms like in tea bags, powder, loose leaf and in the form of supplements. 

Best Time to Drink Green Tea 

Morning is the best time to drink green tea due to the presence of caffeine. It helps in increasing concentration, boost metabolism  and keeping focused. Evening time is also good to drink green tea when your metabolism tends to dip. Both times are good and 1 cup you can take in between your meals. 2 – 3 cups are enough to drink green tea in a day.

Benefits of Green Tea

  • Green tea helps to reduce weight and burns belly fat but slowly. You will be able to see the result after regular use and while drinking focus on regular exercise and yoga
  • Green tea is helpful to reduce the risk of cancer in the body.
  • Green tea may help to reduce heart disease risk.
  • Cholesterol will be under control while using green tea as it is a zero calorie beverage.
  • Regular consumption of green tea and coffee reduce the risk of stroke
  • Green tea helps to control many skin disorders like dandruff, patches of dry, inflammation, and psoriasis.
  • Green tea can lower sugar and blood pressure.
  • Green tea is most helpful to improve blood circulation and lower your cholesterol

Try all new flavors available in the market and keep your body fit and energetic.


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