Breathing Exercise Variants – Pranayama

Breathing Exercise Variants – Pranayama

Before going into any details there is little info about the immune system and why the immune system should be strong.  The immune system is a set of cells and proteins that defends the body from infection and disease. To fight against infection and disease your immune system should be strong. There are lots of ways to keep your immune strong like diet, exercise, immunity booster food, lifestyle, yoga.

Here we are talking about the Pranayama in Yoga which is really helpful to boost your immunity. Pranayama is a control of breath. It’s working in four forms:

  • Inhaling (Poorak)
  • Exhaling (Rechak)
  • Internal Breath Retention (Kumbhak)
  • External Breath Retention

Below is the List of 5 Pranayama:

Bhastrika Pranayama (भस्त्रिका प्राणायाम)

 Bhastrika pranayama is a breathing exercise which is done by the process of inhaling and exhaling breath.  It helps to purify your whole body.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Steps to do Bhastrika Pranayama

  • Sit in padmasana or comfortably on the flat ground
  • Keep your back straight 
  • Inhale (Take a deep breath) through both nostrils and fill your lungs
  • Exhale (Release the breath) 
  • Repeat the process of inhale and exhale do this for 3 – 5 minutes in a day

Benefits of Bhastrika:

  • Help to reduce colds, cough, and any kind of flu.
  • Help to remove impurities and toxins.
  • Improve tonsils and thyroid function.

Avoid: Those people who are suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems practice slowly, Asthma patients should avoid this.

Kapalbhati Pranayam (कपालभाति प्राणायाम)

Kapalbhati is a great breathing exercise that is beneficial in many diseases and helps to remove toxins in our body. It is the part of pranayama which emphasizes totally on exhaling (releasing the breath) not much effort in inhaling.

Kapalbhati Pranayam

Steps to do Kapalbhati Pranayama

  • Sit in a comfortable meditation asana, the head and spine should be straight and keep your figures in Gyan mudra.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath slowly.
  • Exhale through both nostrils actively while exhaling and pull your stomach towards the back. The following inhale should take place passively by allowing the abdominal muscles to relax.
  • Repeat the process and take 20-30 breaths for one round.
  • Do it on a regular basis in the morning.

Benefits of Kapalbhati

  • Increase your face glow.
  • Improve the digestive system, blood circulation, acidity, obesity, diabetes, and kidney-related disease.
  • Do it on a regular basis in the morning.
  • Help in increasing metabolic rate.

Bhramari Pranayam  (भ्रामरी प्राणायाम )

It is a kind of bee breath while practicing its sounds like a bee. This pranayama is very helpful to calm your mind.

Bhramari Pranayam

Steps to do Bhramari Pranayama:

  • Sit in a comfortable meditation asana, the head and spine should be straight.
  • Place the arms sideways and bend the elbows, bringing the hands to the ears. Use the index fingers on the cartilage between your cheek and ear.
  • Inhale through the nose, exhale slowly while making a loud sound like a bee.
  • Repeat the process and do it 3 -5 times.

Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama

  • Continuous practice gives peace of mind and increases concentration.
  • Help to control your headache.
  • Effective in reducing blood pressure.

Anulom Vilom (अनुलोम-विलोम प्राणायाम)

This pranayama is very beneficial for health and anyone can practice on a regular basis. This pranayama is also called nadi shodhan.

Anulom Vilom Pranayam

Steps to do Anulom Vilom 

  • Sit in a comfortable meditation asana, the head and spine should be straight.
  • Hold the fingers of the right hand in front of the face., Close your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger, and breathe in completely through your right nostril. After that, hold and close your right nostril with your thumb and exhale your breath through the left nostril while losing your finger from the nose and again inhale the same left nostrils and release from the right nostrils. 
  • Repeat this process for 15 -20 times

Benefits of Anulom Vilom

  • Control obesity.
  • Beneficial for arthritis.
  • Control allergic problems and diabetic problems.

Udgeeth Pranayama  (उद्गीथ प्राणायाम)

This is the most easy and comfortable pranayama. Should be practiced in an empty stomach.

Udgeeth Pranayama

Steps of Udgeeth Pranayama:

  • Sit into the padmasana and close your eyes. Keep the head and spine upright.
  • Keep your hand in dhyana mudra.
  • Take a deep breath from the nose.
  • Exhale the breath while chanting the word OM.
  • Do this 3 times in the morning.

Benefits of Udgeeth Pranayama

  • Help to improve concentration and memory.
  • Improve digestive system.
  • Help to calm your mind.
  • Best exercise for meditation.

All this pranayama is very beneficial to increase immunity and help to control various diseases. The best time to do yoga is morning. Start this yoga and keep your family safe and healthy.


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