Honey unwraps benefits beyond your thoughts. Yes ! Honey has shown some proven results in improving the overall health of human’s heart. Wondering how it is possible ? The secret lies in its positive regulation of blood sugar levels and heartbeat, lowering of blood pressure, improvement of blood fat levels and prevention in finishing of healthy cells- these all factors significantly affect the overall functioning of the heart eventually improving its health.
Although there is no human study available where honey directly helps heart health to according to a survey that included 4500 people concluded that people who consumed honey regularly had better heart health and less oxidative stress.
Benefits of Honey
Treats Your Wounds And Burns Effectively
Honey has got excellent healing powers as it is full of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A special kind of honey named Manuka honey is particularly famous for its healing wonders. Manuka honey is brimmed with anti-oxidants and anti-fungal properties which when applied topically can help treat cuts and sores. It’s dressing is believed to be used in many clinical settings to treat burns as well. Although its not inexpensive but it is famously used to treat wounds in Ayurveda.
Help You Get Rid Of Acne
Honey doesn’t only help treat wounds and burns but it also works on acne. Manuka honey is to your rescue again, and it can help get rid of those irritable pimples on your face. The super hydrating properties of manuka honey along with those anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties help fight that bacteria and reduce swelling on the pimple. Presence of a special enzyme called catalase, helps relieve these types of minor inflammation.
Tonic For Coughs And Sore Throats
Ever advised to take honey while struggling with constant cough ? I am sure you must been !. Honey is a proven home remedy to help ease sore throats or any kind of irritation in the throat. According to a recent study, it has been found that a honey and milk mixture could treat acute coughs in children. Although it’s a natural cough remedy, you should seek a doctor if your discomfort is high and you feel unwell constantly.
Full Of Antioxidants
Honey is believed to be high in bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. The darker the honey, the richer it is in antioxidants. This high value of antioxidants can save you from conditions like premature aging, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Uses of Honey
Medicinal Use
- Honey is full of antifungal and antibacterial properties, which makes it the perfect option for boosting immunity.
- Regular consumption of honey serves as a natural probiotic and helps with gut problems like constipation and bloating.
- Honey has special enzymes which serve as a quick source of natural energy and hence is often preferred by many athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Culinary Uses
- Honey is sweet in taste and hence is a healthier alternative to refined sugar. You can use honey anywhere as a sweetener, be it cakes, drinks, cookies, tea, or coffee.
- Honey also adds flavours to pancakes, waffles, toasts, fruits or yogurt. It’s also used extensively to make sauces and glazes.
- Honey is a popular fermentation agent as well. It is used for making mead by fermentation while it is added to pickle as well for preservation.
Beauty and Skincare use of Honey
- Honey is brimmed with natural moisturizers, which helps soften and tighten the skin. Honey when mixed with yogurt or aloe vera gives you the best face mask for deep nourishment.
- Honey can work wonders for your skin as it is a great exfoliator with good anti aging properties. The latter works as a natural exfoliator when mixed with oatmeal or sugar.
- The antibacterial properties of honey make it a helpful compound for fighting acne as well. Honey when applied topically on honey, reduces the inflammation and swelling and treats its spot as well effectively.
Honey on your Hair
- Honey shows great results when mixed with coconut oil to treat frizzy and dry hair. The mask ensures to provides you’re the shine and softness they crave for.
- Honey also helps in reducing dandruff. It when combined with lemon juice or yogurt hydrates the scalp and help grow healthier hair.
Household Uses
- Honey is an excellent polishing agent and can be used to polish brass and wood surfaces.
- Being antibacterial in nature, honey can also be used to treat cuts and wounds in pets while if given in small amounts can boost their immune system.
- This natural preservative can used to store fruits and nuts for longer shelf life.
Home Remedies of Honey
- Honey if taken with warm milk on a regular basis can work as a natural remedy for insomnia.
- If you religiously drink honey mixed with warm water and lemon in the morning, the drink can help you reduce weight by aiding the metabolism of your body.
- Honey is also known to clean your body from harmful toxins.
- Honey can even protect you from seasonal allergies with regular intake.
Honey can be Your Best Friend
Honey can be the most versatile ingredient in your kitchen today. Its benefits are invaluable while its application in food, health, skincare, or even household care is huge. Consuming honey on regular basis can benefit your overall health and can enrich your lifestyle. It’s a very safe alternative in comparison with the synthetic products available in the market. Therefore, we can consider honey as a timeless treasure that we should always cherish.